BOOK MARKETING- Are Authors Behind Before They Even Begin

Released on = December 7, 2005, 10:47 am

Press Release Author = MarketAbility

Industry = Advertising

Press Release Summary = As many as 63% of authors who publish books don't even begin
to think about book marketing until the book is at the printer, sometimes later. As
publishing insiders know, this puts them way behind. From,
here are four simple things an author can do to get their book marketing back on


(Arvada, CO) - "You ought to write a book about that."

These eight simple words stimulate more than a million people each year to try on a
new hat; that of an AUTHOR. Some of these authors write down their amazing life
stories. Others are driven to share a brilliant strategy in a non-fiction book.
Others attempt the great American novel. And some dream of taking their children's
bedtime stories out of the imagination and onto the page.

"No matter what convinced a person to write a book, 63% of these new authors don't
realize until AFTER their book goes to the printer that they didn't just write a
book. They have started a publishing business," says Kim Dushinski of MarketAbility
who created to help authors find the quickest, most
effective ways to connect their books to the people who want to read them.

Since the majority of authors who request their Free 3-Step Marketing Action Plan
from our site reported that their book had just gone to the printer, was already
printed, or promotion was already underway for an already published book, indicates
that marketing is often an afterthought to publishing.

"It's hard to get ahead when you didn't even know you were behind," Dushinski
comments, offering these four things for the author who wants to get their horse
back in front of the cart:

1. Start Where You Are.
Stopping to develop a book marketing plan may seem like a step back, especially when
you feel you are already behind. But without a plan to take you forward from this
day, you'll never feel like you are ahead of the game.

2. Niche Your Market.
Trying to reach "everyone" with your message is an expensive endeavor. Start by
reaching the people who WANT to hear what you have to say. Avoid the temptation to
CONVERT people who aren't ready for you.

3. Think Outside the Book.
Even if you feel the clock ticking, most books can have a shelf life way beyond what
the book industry says is standard. But you may find it necessary to pursue
strategies that are not on the traditional publishing path. Start seeking those

4. Get Going.
Once you have found the things that move you forward, start taking action. Leave
over-analyzing to your accountant! Find a tool that will work for your book
marketing and use it.

If you can write a book, you can market it. You will find free guidance, including
the free 3-Step Marketing Action Plan, at

# # #

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Contact Details = Tami DePalma

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